NCERT explained

Class 7th Science NCERT Chapter 12

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Topics to study from the chapter "Reproduction in Plants" along with a 1-2 lined summary for each topic:

1. Modes of Reproduction: – Plants reproduce through asexual and sexual methods.

2. Asexual Reproduction:

– Plants can reproduce without seeds using methods like vegetative propagation and budding.

3. Vegetative Propagation: – New plants are produced from roots, stems, leaves, and buds of a plant without seeds.

4. Budding: – A form of asexual reproduction where a new organism develops as an outgrowth or bud from the parent organism.

5. Fragmentation:

– Organisms break into fragments, which grow into new individuals.

6. Spore Formation:

– Reproductive bodies covered by a protective coat, allowing plants like moss and ferns to reproduce.

7. Sexual Reproduction:

– Process involving male (stamen) and female (pistil) parts of flowers to produce seeds.

8. Pollination:

– Transfer of pollen grains from the male part of a plant to the female part for fertilization.

Students can focus on these topics and summaries to revise the content in the chapter on "Reproduction in Plants".

What is the function of flowers in plants?

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What is vegetative propagation and how is it related to asexual reproduction?

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Explain how budding is a method of reproduction seen in yeast.

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Describe how fragmentation is a method of reproduction observed in algae.

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Explain the process of pollination in plants and how it facilitates the transfer of male gametes to female gametes.

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