NCERT explained

6th Science NCERT Chapter 3

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Important Topics for Students to Study:

1. Separation of Substances: Discusses the processes and methods used to separate substances like grain from stalks, tea leaves from liquid, and husk particles from seeds of grain. Includes activities like handpicking, threshing, winnowing, sieving, sedimentation, decantation, and filtration.

2. Methods of Separation: Covers simple methods such as handpicking, threshing, winnowing, sieving, sedimentation, decantation, and filtration used for separating substances mixed together based on their properties and sizes.


– The chapter focuses on how different methods are used to separate substances based on their properties and sizes. Activities like handpicking, winnowing, and sieving are explained to illustrate practical separation techniques commonly used in everyday life and in agriculture.

What is the purpose of handpicking as a method of separation?

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Describe the process of threshing and explain why this method is used.

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How is winnowing used to separate components of a mixture, and what is the role of wind in this process?

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Explain the purpose of sieving in the separation of substances. Give an example of its application.

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Describe how sedimentation, decantation, and filtration are used to separate components in a mixture. Provide an example where these methods are necessary.

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