NCERT explained

7th Geography Ncert Chapter 7

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Based on the content of the chapter in the attached file, here are some important topics that students should study along with a brief summary for each:

1. Human Settlements:

– Early human settlements near river valleys for water and fertile land; difference between permanent and temporary settlements; types of rural settlements including compact and scattered settlements7.

2. Types of Houses:

– Houses in different regions based on climate conditions like thick mud walled houses in hot climates and houses with slanting roofs in regions with heavy rainfall; materials used for construction7.

3. Urban Settlements:

– Contrasting rural and urban settlements; reasons for migration to cities leading to issues like slums, pollution, and shortage of resources; description of villages, towns, and cities7.

4. Transport:

– Evolution of transport from walking to modern means; types of transport including roadways, railways, waterways, and airways; significance of each mode of transport and their impact on society7.

What are the natural conditions considered for selecting an ideal site for settlement?

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Describe the two different types of rural settlements mentioned in the chapter.

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Explain the role of roads as a means of transport. Provide an example of a significant road mentioned in the chapter.

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Discuss the importance of railways as a mode of transport. How has technology influenced railway development?

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What are the two types of waterways mentioned in the chapter for transportation purposes?

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