NCERT explained

8th Math NCERT Chapter 7

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Based on the content of the chapter from the file, here are the important topics that students should study along with a brief summary for each topic:

1. Recalling Ratios and Percentages:

– Ratio involves comparing two quantities, which can be expressed using fractions and percentages.

– Example: Comparing the number of girls to boys in a class based on given percentages8.

2. Finding Discounts:

– Discount is a reduction given on the Marked Price of an article to promote sales.

– It can be calculated by subtracting the Sale Price from the Marked Price.

– Example: Calculating discount percentage when the list price of an item is known8.

Students can revise these topics by practicing ratio calculations, percentage conversions, and discount calculations based on the marked and sale prices of items.

What is the ratio of the number of girls to the number of boys in the class as mentioned in the chapter?

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How can the cost per head be calculated when two teachers are also going with the class for the picnic?

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What percentage of the total distance of 55 km is the place that is 22 km from the school?

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How many parents were surveyed in the primary school according to the information provided in the chapter?

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In the chapter, how is the discount calculated on an item marked at `840 but sold for `714?

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