NCERT explained

8th Social Science – Social & Political – Chapter 8

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Important Topics and Summaries from Chapter 8:

1. Law and Social Justice

– The government introduces laws to protect people from exploitation in markets and ensure fairness7.

2. Minimum Wages Act

– Protects workers from being underpaid by specifying a minimum wage that employers must adhere to7.

3. Safety Standards at Workplaces

– Laws require adequate safety measures in workplaces to protect workers from hazards7.

4. Quality Standards for Goods

– Ensures that the quality of essential goods meets prescribed standards to safeguard consumers7.

5. Price Control on Essential Goods

– Laws prevent prices of essential goods from being unreasonably high, benefiting consumers who may otherwise struggle to afford them7.

6. Environmental Laws

– Regulations ensure that factories don't pollute air or water, protecting the environment and public health7.

7. Laws Against Child Labour

– Prohibits child labour, safeguarding the rights and well-being of children7.

These topics cover the importance of laws in ensuring social justice, protecting workers, consumers, and the environment, and upholding fundamental rights guaranteed by the Indian Constitution.

What is the purpose of laws on minimum wages?

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Provide an example of a law that protects the interests of consumers in the market and explain its significance.

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How does the enforcement of laws become particularly crucial when protecting the weak from the strong in society?

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Discuss the significance of laws against child labour in workplaces.

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Using the Bhopal Gas Tragedy as an example, explain the importance of enforcing laws to hold companies accountable for safety measures and responsibilities towards society.

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