NCERT explained

8th Math NCERT Chapter 12

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Topics to study from the chapter on Factorisation:

1. Introduction to Factors of Natural Numbers:

– Natural numbers can be expressed as products of their factors, including prime factors, which can be further applied to algebraic expressions.

2. Factors of Algebraic Expressions:

– In algebraic expressions, terms are formed as products of irreducible factors, and expressions can be written in prime factor form.

3. Factorisation:

– The process of writing algebraic expressions as a product of factors which may include numbers, variables, or expressions.

4. Method of Common Factors:

– Factorising expressions through identifying and utilizing common factors to simplify the expressions.

5. Factorisation by Regrouping Terms:

– Rearranging terms within an expression to identify common factors and factorising accordingly.

By understanding these topics, students can effectively factorise algebraic expressions by identifying common factors and expressing them as a product of irreducible factors.

What are prime factors? Provide an example related to natural numbers.

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Explain what is meant by irreducible factors in algebraic expressions.

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How can an algebraic expression be factorised? Provide a brief explanation.

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Explain the method of common factors in factorisation with an example.

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Describe how factorisation by regrouping terms works with a specific example.

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