NCERT explained

4th EVS NCERT Chapter 1

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– Bamboo Bridge: Children use a bamboo and rope bridge to cross knee-high water and reach school, even after heavy rains【4:2†source】.

– Trolley Crossing: Children cross a wide and deep river using a trolley attached to a strong iron rope, moving across with the help of a pulley【4:3†source】.

– Cement Bridge: Different from bamboo bridges, cement bridges made of cement, bricks, and iron rods are used to cross water bodies and uneven areas to reach school【4:3†source】.

How is a cement bridge different from a bamboo bridge?

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How many people do you think can cross a cement bridge at one time?

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If you had a chance, which bridge would you like to use and why?

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Do you have to cross any bridge on the way to your school? If yes, what is the bridge like? Draw its picture.

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Where is the bridge near your house located, and who uses it?

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