NCERT explained

4th EVS NCERT Chapter 6

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– Train Journey Experience: Describing the sights and experiences during a train journey, such as passing through villages and observing the change in landscapes.

– Boarding Process: Details about the boarding process, finding seats, and dealing with the crowded conditions near the door of the coach.

– Food Choices: Discussion on the types of food that can be taken during a train journey and items sold at railway stations.

– Ticket Checker: Understanding the role of the ticket checker and how to recognize them during the journey.

These topics cover the practical aspects and experiences related to train travel, providing a holistic view of the journey.

Have you ever travelled in a train? When?

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What food would you like to take with you when you travel? Why?

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What does the ticket-checker do?

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Why was it so crowded at the door of the coach?

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What did Omana see from the window during the train journey?

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