NCERT explained

4th Math NCERT Chapter 1

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– Faces of bricks and their properties: Understanding the different faces of bricks and their characteristics, such as whether any face is a square and drawing various faces of a brick.

– Wall construction techniques: Comparing different wall constructions for strength, observing different brick patterns used in walls, and matching photos of walls with corresponding drawings.

– Patterns and designs with bricks: Exploring different patterns made with bricks, creating new floor patterns, and appreciating the beauty of brick arrangements in historic buildings.

– Bricks and their measurements: Investigating the sizes of bricks, measuring a brick's dimensions, calculating the number of bricks needed for a specific length, and analyzing the production of bricks in kilns.

– Brick prices and quantities: Understanding pricing differences for various types of bricks, calculating the total cost based on the number of bricks purchased, and estimating quantities of bricks in different contexts.

– Mathematical calculations with bricks: Engaging in mental math exercises related to buying bricks in bulk, estimating large quantities of bricks, and practicing mental calculations involving brick purchases.

– Historical aspects of brickwork: Exploring the historical significance of brick patterns in a school building, appreciating the craftsmanship of masons, and discussing traditional brickwork patterns from the past.

How many faces does a brick have in total?

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Is any face of a brick square?

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Draw the smallest face of a brick.

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How many faces of a brick are shown in a typical drawing?

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What is the total number of bricks Jamaal and Kaalu needed to make a wall 1 meter long?

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