NCERT explained

5th EVS NCERT Chapter 22

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– Farmers working on lands of big farmers till Dussehra and borrowing money during remaining months【4:1†source】.

– The arrangements made by families like Dhanu's during work seasons and the challenges faced in their village【4:3†source】.

– Dhanu's family moving away for work and leaving behind old and unwell family members【4:2†source】.

Why does Mami wish that Dhanu should go to school for the whole year and study?

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What happens when you are not able to go to school for a long time?

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Can there be some arrangements during the time when Dhanu and others leave the village so that Dhanu continues his studies? What kind?

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Do you know of any jobs/work for which people have to stay away from their families for many months? Provide examples from the chapter.

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What are the similarities and differences in the lives of different kinds of farmers mentioned in the chapter?

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