NCERT explained

11th English NCERT Chapter Essay 1

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Formal and Informal Essays

– A formal essay is logically organized with serious intent, whereas an informal essay is personal, whimsical, and often discusses everyday topics.【4:0†source】

My Watch by Mark Twain

– This text humorously explores the reliability and maintenance of a watch, highlighting human tendencies toward attachment and perseverance in maintaining personal belongings.【4:0†source】

My Three Passions

– Focuses on fundamental human emotions of love and pity, exploring their profound impact on human experience.【4:0†source】

Tribal Verse

– Introduces readers to the rich oral literatures of India, raising awareness of cultural diversity and indigenous storytelling traditions.【4:0†source】


– Provides a biographical glimpse into the life and experiences of a Kathak dancer, intertwining personal journey and artistic expression.【4:0†source】

Patterns of Creativity

– Discusses the similarities and differences in the creative processes of art, particularly poetry, and science, highlighting creativity’s universal aspects.【4:0†source】

What kind of text is 'My Watch' and what problem does the narrator encounter with it?

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Discuss the sequence of events and the outcome of the narrator's attempt to get his watch repaired.

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Explain the humorous remark made by Uncle William about ‘tinkerers’. How does this comment reflect on the repairs made to the watch?

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What does the narrator mean by 'the watch began to gain faster and faster day by day' and how does this relate to the various repairs made?

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Analyze the author’s use of dramatic contrast in the essay to highlight his frustration with the inability to repair the watch effectively?

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