NCERT explained

11th English NCERT Chapter Essay 6

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1. Storytelling Nature of Novels

Summary: Novels fundamentally narrate events arranged in their time sequence, acting as a method to keep the audience engaged and eager to discover what happens next【4:0†source】.

2. Time in Novels

Summary: Time plays a pivotal role in novels, serving as a vital backdrop against which narratives unfold, ensuring that the story progresses in a structured manner【4:0†source】.

3. Value vs. Time

Summary: Novels not only follow a chronological order but also include "the life by values," capturing moments based on their significance rather than their place in time【4:1†source】.

4. Scheherazade and Story Suspense

Summary: Through the character of Scheherazade in "The 1001 Arabian Nights," the text explores how suspense within storytelling is crucial for engaging an audience, showcasing an early form of narrative thrill【4:0†source】.

5. Literary Devices in Storytelling

Summary: Authors use various devices to explore complex themes like time and values, enhancing the depth of the narrative while adhering to the chronological order needed for storytelling【4:1†source】.

Who is Scheherazade and what unique method does she use to extend her life in the story of 'The 1001 Arabian Nights'?

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How does E.M. Forster in his essay 'Aspects of the Novel' describe the fundamental aspect and highest common factor of all novels?

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Explain the dual allegiances to 'the life in time' and 'the life by values' as discussed in Forster's essay with illustrations from the text.

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Discuss Forster's use of various literary figures and their treatment of time in their novels as mentioned in 'Aspects of the Novel.'

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From Forster's perspective, what literary tool does he consider most effective on tyrants and savages, as described in his analysis of Scheherazade's storytelling?

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