NCERT explained

11th English NCERT Chapter Poetry 7

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Hawk Roosting

This poem by Ted Hughes explores the perspective of a hawk, presenting its power and dominion over nature. It features themes of autonomy and brutality, exemplified by the hawk's reflective monologue on its life and instincts【4:0†source】.


Ted Hughes is noted for his exploration of the natural world through intense and sometimes unsettling imagery. His poems often feature animal subjects and reflect on human traits through these allegories【4:0†source】.


Questions and explanations provided guide the reader to delve deeper into the poem's themes such as power, violence, and the intrinsic nature of the hawk. This section also touches upon how these themes relate to human behaviors and perceptions【4:0†source】.


Further reading is suggested to enhance understanding and comparison, such as other poems by Ted Hughes and works by Dylan Thomas, encouraging further exploration of thematic elements similar to those found in "Hawk Roosting"【4:0†Weaver Politics source】.

What is the basic structure of the poem 'Hawk Roosting' by Ted Hughes?

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How does the poem 'Hawk Roosting' emphasize the physical prowess of the hawk?

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What does the phrase 'There is no sophistry in my body' suggest in the context of the poem 'Hawk Roosting'?

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Explain the significance of the statement 'Now I hold Creation in my foot' in the poem 'Hawk Roosting'.

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What parallel is suggested between the predatory instincts of the bird and human behavior in the poem 'Hawk Roosting'?

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