NCERT explained

11th English NCERT Chapter Poetry 10

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Felling of the Banyan Tree

– This poem by Dilip Chitre discusses the environmental and personal impact of cutting down a massive banyan tree, representing broader themes of loss, change, and the conflict between human progress and nature conservation【4:1†source】.

Cultural Significance of Trees

– Explored through the poet's narrative, trees are depicted as sacred in the eyes of the poet's grandmother, which adds a layer of cultural reverence and guilt to their felling, highlighting the conflict between traditional beliefs and modern actions【4:1†source】.

The Poet's Father

– The actions and directives of the poet’s father in removing the trees, including the central banyan tree, are central to understanding his character's complex relationship with heritage and development【4:1†source】.

Impact on Nature

– Describes the ecological disruption caused by the removal of the banyan tree, noting the departure of birds and insects and the physical alteration of the landscape, symbolizing the broader environmental impacts of human activities【4:1†source】.

Raw Mythology

– The poem delves into "raw mythology" revealed by the age rings of the tree, linking the personal history to cultural and natural history, thereby framing the tree cutting not just as a physical act but as a metaphysical one as well【4:1†source】.

What was the reaction of the poet's father to the houses and trees surrounding their house on the hill?

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What significance did the poet's grandmother attribute to trees?

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Describe how the banyan tree was different from the other trees mentioned in the poem.

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What does the phrase 'raw mythology' imply in the context of the poem?

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Explain the metaphorical significance of the tree that 'grows and seethes' in one's dreams, as mentioned in the poem.

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