NCERT explained

11th Geography NCERT Chapter 3

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Topics to study from the chapter on Earthquake Waves and Interior of the Earth:

1. Earthquake Waves

– Summary: Earthquake waves are of two types – body waves and surface waves. Body waves move through the body of the earth, while surface waves move along the surface, causing the most damage.

2. Emergence of Shadow Zone

– Summary: Certain areas called shadow zones do not receive earthquake waves, revealing distinct patterns for P and S-waves in specific zones from the epicenter.

3. Types of Earthquakes

– Summary: Tectonic earthquakes are the most common, caused by sliding of rocks along a fault plane, while volcanic earthquakes are specific to areas of active volcanoes.

4. Interior of the Earth

– Summary: The chapter provides insights into the structures of the Earth's interior, including the crust, mantle, and core, along with the processes shaping the landscape【4:0†source】.

What are batholiths and how do they form?

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Explain the formation and characteristics of lacoliths.

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What are lapoliths, phacoliths, and sills? Describe how they form.

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Define dykes and explain their formation. Where are dykes commonly found?

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What is the composition and state of the earth's core? How is the core distinguished from the mantle?

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