NCERT explained

11th Geography NCERT Chapter 4

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– Continental Drift:

Summary: The theory proposed by Alfred Wegener suggesting that all continents were once part of a single landmass called Pangaea and have since drifted apart due to various geological processes.

– Concept of Sea Floor Spreading:

Summary: The hypothesis introduced by Harry Hess in 1961, explaining how oceanic crust is formed at mid-oceanic ridges through volcanic activity, leading to the spreading of the ocean floor.

– Plate Tectonics:

Summary: The theory that the Earth's lithosphere is divided into several rigid plates that move horizontally over the asthenosphere, including major plates like the Pacific Plate, Eurasian Plate, and minor plates like Cocos Plate and Arabian Plate【4:1†source】【4:3†source】.

Who was the first to propose the possibility of Europe, Africa, and America having been located side by side?

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What were the forces suggested by Alfred Wegener for the movement of the continents?

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What was the name of the supercontinent proposed by Alfred Wegener?

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What does the presence of identical species of plants and animals on either side of marine barriers suggest?

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What hypothesis did Hess propose based on his analysis of magnetic properties of rocks on either sides of mid-oceanic ridges?

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