NCERT explained

9th Social Science NCERT Economics Chapter 4

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– Public Distribution System (PDS): Food distribution system for the poorer sections of society through government-regulated ration shops【4:0†source】.

– Buffer Stock: Stock of food grains procured by the government to stabilize prices and ensure food security【4:0†source】.

– Role of Cooperatives: Cooperatives play an important role in ensuring food security, especially in southern and western parts of India【4:0†source】.

– Food Security Dimensions: Availability, accessibility, and affordability of food to all people at all times to ensure food security【4:3†source】.

– Food Security Programs: Various poverty alleviation programs with a food security component, such as PDS, mid-day meals, etc.【4:0†source】.

– Impact of Calamities on Food Security: Calamities like drought can lead to food shortages, price hikes, and potentially famine【4:3†source】.

– Problem of Ration Shops: Issues like malpractices, poor quality grains, and irregular shop operations affect the functioning of ration shops【4:0†source】.

– Green Revolution: The Green Revolution played a role in making India self-sufficient in food grains by increasing production but also had negative environmental impacts【4:3†source】.

– Challenges of Food Security: Some sections of the population in India still face food insecurity, despite government efforts【4:0†source】.

What is the Public Distribution System?

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What is Buffer Stock?

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In which year did our country cross the 200 Million tonne per year mark in foodgrain production?

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In which decade did India experience the highest decadal increase in foodgrain production?

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Is production increase consistent in India since 2000–01?

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