NCERT explained

11th NCERT Psychology Chapter 7

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– Nature of Thinking: Thinking involves the manipulation and analysis of acquired or existing information through abstracting, reasoning, imagining, problem-solving, judging, and decision-making.

– Problem Solving: Involves understanding the task or problem at hand, analyzing it, becoming aware of background facts, and exploring different viewpoints before arriving at a solution.

– Reasoning: An important process in problem-solving that helps in evaluating strategies and making informed decisions.

– Creative Thinking: Involves generating alternative ideas, looking at problems from unusual perspectives, experiencing stages of incubation, illumination, and verification, and enhancing creative thinking through strategies.

– Thought and Language: Examines the relationship between language and thought, exploring how language can affect thinking and how thought precedes language development.

– Language Development: Discusses the complex system of language, including the use of symbols, rules for organizing symbols, and communication of thoughts and ideas to others【4:0†source】【4:1†source】【4:2†source】.

What is the role of reasoning in solving problems?

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Explain the concept of divergent thinking and its importance in the creative thinking process.

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How does the process of creative thinking unfold according to the chapter?

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What are some strategies provided in the chapter to enhance creative thinking abilities?

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Why is thinking considered a unique cognitive process for human beings?

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