NCERT explained

11th NCERT Political Science Part 2 Chapter 4

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– What is an Executive?

– In any organization, there needs to be a body at the top that makes policy decisions, supervises, and coordinates administrative functioning. This body, responsible for the implementation of rules and regulations, is known as the executive.

– Principal functions of the Executive:

– The executive branch of government is responsible for implementing laws and policies adopted by the legislature, often involved in policy framing, and consists of political and permanent executives (ministers and civil servants, respectively).

– Different types of Executive:

– Various countries have different types of executives with differing powers and functions, such as presidents and chancellors, each with their own roles in governance.

– Composition and Role of the Prime Minister:

– The Prime Minister of India is a powerful figure chosen based on majority support in the Lok Sabha. They hold the authority to decide on cabinet ministers and portfolios within the Council of Ministers.

– Council of Ministers and Governance:

– The Council of Ministers is responsible collectively to the Lok Sabha and must resign if it loses confidence in the house, showcasing the principle of parliamentary control over the executive.

– Permanent Executive: Bureaucracy

– The bureaucratic machinery, consisting of civil servants, assists ministers in policy formulation and implementation, ensuring professional administration while remaining politically neutral and accountable. Recruitment is based on merit with provisions for social representation【4:0†source】【4:4†source】.

Who is in charge of the administration in a school or a university?

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What is the main function of the executive branch of government?

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In a parliamentary system, who exercises control over the administration?

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What is the role of the President in Sri Lanka under the system of Executive Presidency?

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Compare the roles of the President and Prime Minister in India and Sri Lanka under their respective systems of governance.

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