NCERT explained

11th Biology Chapter 13

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1. Growth: This is an irreversible permanent increase in size of an organ or its parts. Growth is coupled with metabolic processes and portrayed through physical parameters like height and volume【4:0†source】.

2. Differentiation, Dedifferentiation, and Redifferentiation: Differentiation involves cells undergoing structural changes to perform specific functions. Dedifferentiation is the process where differentiated cells regain cell division capabilities, and Redifferentiation allows these cells to mature into functional states once more【4:4†source】.

3. Development: This encompasses all changes a plant undergoes from seed germination to senescence. It is a combination of growth and differentiation, influenced by both intrinsic and extrinsic factors【4:5†source】.

4. Plant Growth Regulators (PGRs): Chemicals produced by the plant that control various physiological processes. There are both growth-promoting PGRs such as auxins and gibberellins, and growth-inhibiting PGRs like abscisic acid and ethylene which respond to environmental stresses and induce dormancy【4:6†source】.

What are the five main groups of natural plant growth regulators mentioned in the chapter?

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Describe the role of abscisic acid in plants as discussed in the chapter.

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What is the significance of meristems in plant growth according to the chapter?

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Explain the concept of 'open differentiation' in plants as described in the chapter.

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How do extrinsic factors influence plant growth and development according to the text?

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