NCERT explained

11th Biology Chapter 17

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Types of Movement

Amoeboid, ciliary, and muscular movements are exhibited by cells within the human body, contributing to crucial physiological functions and locomotion【4:1†source】.


Muscles are essential for movement and locomotion, categorized into skeletal, visceral, and cardiac muscles based on location, appearance, and control regulation. Special properties include excitability, contractility, extensibility, and elasticity【4:1†source】.

Skeletal System

The skeletal system provides the structural framework for the body, enabling support and movement facilitated by bones and cartilages. It is divided into axial and appendicular skeletons【4:2†source】.


Joints are pivotal in facilitating movement by linking bones or cartilages. Types of joints include fibrous, cartilaginous, and synovial, each supporting different degrees of movement【4:4†source】.

Disorders of the Muscular and Skeletal System

This section discusses various disorders such as arthritis, osteoporosis, and muscular dystrophy, affecting the muscles or bones and impacting mobility and physical activities【4:4†source】.

What are the three main types of muscles found in the human body and where are each located?

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Describe the sliding filament theory of muscle contraction.

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Explain how a muscle contraction is initiated in the human body.

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How are skeletal, cartilaginous, and synovial joints different from each other?

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What roles do actin and myosin play in muscle contraction, and how are they structured?

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