NCERT explained

11th English NCERT Chapter Essay 5

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1. Understanding the Criteria of Good Books

– The chapter discusses criteria for distinguishing between "good" books and mere "pleasant or useful talks". Good books are portrayed as offering lasting insights rather than transient entertainment or practical advice【4:3†source】.

2. Importance of Accurate Reading and Understanding

– Emphasizes the meticulous approach required in reading, suggesting that understanding each word and its intent is essential rather than mere surface-level engagement with the text【4:1†source】.

3. Ruskin's Views on Modern Literature

– Offers insights into Ruskin’s critical perspective on modern books that, according to him, often sacrifice depth and enduring value for immediate relevancy and accessibility【4:3†source】.

4. Personal Engagement with Texts

– Highlights the need for readers to engage deeply with texts, implying that understanding and appreciating high-quality writing requires effort akin to mining – hard and meticulous but potentially rewarding【4:1†source】.

5. Philosophy of True Literature

– Describes books as instruments of permanence and truth, meant to convey deep and original insights from the author, rather than transient communication【4:6†source】.

According to John Ruskin's views in 'What is a Good Book?', what is the purpose of a true book compared to letters or newspapers?

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What criteria does Ruskin feel readers should fulfill to be fit for the company of the 'Dead' according to 'What is a Good Forgot'?

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Why does Ruskin believe that reading a good book requires effort and careful attention to words, as stated in his essay?

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How does Ruskin's definition of educated people differ from simply being literate, according to his explanation in 'What is a Good Book?'?

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What is the underlying message about the preservation of knowledge that Ruskin conveys through his description of a book's purpose?

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