NCERT explained

11th English NCERT Chapter Poetry 6

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Mother Tongue

– This poem by Padma Sachdev expresses a deep reverence for the speaker's native language, Dogri, emphasizing the cultural and personal significance of a mother tongue and its written forms, particularly the loss of the native script Sharade which has been replaced by Persian and Devanagari scripts .

Symbolism of the Quill

– The quill symbolizes the right and tools to write in one's mother tongue, reflecting on cultural identity and the personal connection to language as not only a means of communication but also a repository of culture and history .

Personification in Poetry

– Personification is deployed to give life to elements like the reed and the mother tongue, enhancing the poem's emotional and metaphorical layers, creating a vivid narrative that underscores the poet's attachment to her language .

Emotional Attachment to Language

– The poem conveys strong sentiments regarding the poet's emotional tie to her mother tongue, illustrating how language forms an integral part of our identity and personal history .

Loss of Dogri's Native Script

– Explores the historical and cultural shift in Dogri's scripts from Sharade to Persian and Devanagari, highlighting the broader implications for cultural identity and preservation .

Understanding and Analyzing Multiple Languages

– Encourages engaging with various people to explore their linguistic abilities and attitudes towards the languages they speak, fostering greater appreciation and understanding of linguistic diversity .

What does the quill symbolize in the poem from the chapter?

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Explain the significance of the poet's urgent request for a quill in the poem.

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What emotional relationship does the poet share with her mother tongue as expressed in the poem?

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Discuss how personification is used in the poem to express the poet's feelings towards Dogri.

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What does the replacement of the Sharade script with the Persian script in Dogri signify in a broader cultural context, as discussed in the chapter?

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