NCERT explained

11th History NCERT Chapter 6

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1. Modernisation and its Global Influence

– Explores the varied paths to modernisation across different countries over the centuries, emphasising the unique approaches and results in Western countries, as well as Japan and China.

2. Displacing Indigenous Peoples

– Discusses the interactions between European settlers and indigenous populations in America and Australia, noting the devastating impacts on the latter due to disease, displacement, and cultural destruction.

3. Expansion of Imperialism

– Analyzes the role of Western imperialism in shaping global politics and economics from the 18th to the 20th century, examining its effects in Asia, Africa, and the Americas.

4. Development of Nationalist Movements

– Reviews the rise of nationalist movements worldwide as responses to imperialism and colonialism, highlighting their significant role in shaping contemporary political landscapes.

5. Industrial Revolution and its Impact

– Describes the beginning and spread of the Industrial Revolution, detailing its economic, social, and environmental implications globally.

6. Social Reform Movements

– Details the various social reform movements in Europe and their influence on political and social policies, including movements for workers’ rights, women’s suffrage, and social justice.

7. Technological Advancements and Cultural Exchange

– Chronicles significant innovations and their societal impacts, alongside the cultural exchanges between the East and West which influenced arts and ideologies.

8. Colonial Economic Practices

– Outlines the economic strategies implemented by colonial powers, particularly around resource exploitation and the establishment of trade routes, and the resistance these practices elicited.

9. The Rise of Civic and Ethnic Nationalism

– Discusses the emergence and conflicts of civic and ethnic nationalism, exploring how these ideologies have shaped nations' identities and political processes.

10. Historical Reevaluation and Indigenous Rights

– Offers insights into the recent shifts in historical interpretation, focusing on recognizing and rectifying historical injustices against indigenous populations.

What historical concept was debunked by the Australian High Court in 1992 concerning the land rights of native populations?

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Describe the two key decisions made in response to the agitation around questions of native land rights and children of mixed heritage in Australia.

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What was the 'White Australia' policy, and in what year did it end?

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Explain the significance of 'A National Sorry Day' established in Australia in 1999.

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How has the representation of indigenous history and culture in Australian museums changed since the 1970s?

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