NCERT explained

11th NCERT Political Science Part 2 Chapter 3

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Topics to study from the chapter "Election and Representation" along with 1-2 lined summaries:

1. Constitutional Provisions Regarding Elections and Representation

– Understanding the importance of the method of election chosen in the Indian Constitution and the implications of constitutional provisions for impartial machinery in conducting elections.

2. Different Methods of Election Systems

– Exploring various methods of conducting elections and the significance of the chosen system in India's democratic process.

3. Importance of Free and Fair Elections

– Evaluating the significance of a free and fair electoral process in ensuring democratic principles and legitimate representation.

4. Universal Franchise and Right to Contest

– Understanding the principles of universal adult franchise and the right to contest elections as essential elements of democratic elections.

5. Election System in India

– Examining the different aspects of the election system in India, including voter eligibility, representation methods, and the role of the Election Commission.

These topics cover the key aspects of the chapter on "Election and Representation" from the provided PDF document.

What is the difference between the system of reservation of constituencies and the system of separate electorate?

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Why did the Constitution makers reject the system of separate electorate?

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What measures would you suggest to improve the representation of socially disadvantaged sections in Indian legislatures?

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What is the Single Transferable Vote system used in Rajya Sabha elections?

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Why did India adopt the First Past the Post (FPTP) system for elections?

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