NCERT explained

11th NCERT Sociology Chapter 5

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1. Objectivity and Subjectivity in Sociology

– Discusses the balance between objective (unbiased) and subjective (personal values) viewpoints and how sociologists manage these perspectives to maintain scientific integrity.

2. Participant Observation

– Explains the method where sociologists or social anthropologists immerse themselves within a community to gather data by observing and participating in daily activities.

3. Field Work in Social Anthropology

– Outlines the practical efforts and strategies used in anthropology to gather detailed, first-hand observations of social behaviors and cultural practices through extended field engagements.

4. Quantitative and Qualitative Methods in Sociology

– Describes the differences between quantitative methods (structured, measurable) and qualitative methods (exploratory, interpretative), emphasizing their applications in sociological research.

5. Multiple Methods and Triangulation

– Reviews the trend of using multiple research methods to approach a single research question from various perspectives to validate the results, known as triangulation.

6. Surveys and Sampling Techniques

– Details the processes involved in conducting surveys, including the design of questionnaires and sample selection to ensure representativeness and reliability of the data collected.

7. The Role of Reflexivity in Sociological Research

– Discusses the importance of reflexivity, where researchers critically reflect on their biases and influence to enhance the credibility of their findings .

What is the main strength of the survey method according to Chapter 5 of NCERT Sociology?

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How do sociologists attempt to achieve objectivity in their research as discussed in the chapter?

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What are some key differences between participant observation and survey methods as outlined in the chapter?

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How does the concept of 'margin of error' relate to sample surveys according to Chapter 5?

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Describe the importance of reflexivity in sociological research as explained in the chapter.

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