11th Physics chapter 4
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Topics to study from the chapter in the attached file along with 1-2 lined summaries for each:
1. Action-reaction pairs:
– Mutual forces between two bodies that are equal and opposite.
2. Free-body diagrams:
– Drawing diagrams to represent the forces acting on a body to solve problems in mechanics.
3. Equilibrium of a particle:
– Refers to the situation when the net external force on a particle is zero.
4. Solving Problems in Mechanics:
– Using the three laws of motion to analyze problems involving multiple bodies and forces.
5. Conservation of Momentum:
– Total momentum in an isolated system remains constant over time, even during interactions between particles.
6. Newton's Laws of Motion:
– Newton's laws describe the relationship between an object's motion and the forces acting on it, providing a foundation for mechanics studies.
7. Application of Laws of Motion:
– Applying Newton's laws to solve problems involving forces and motion in various scenarios, such as collisions and equilibrium.
8. Circular Motion and Friction:
– Understanding forces in circular motion, such as centripetal force and friction, to analyze scenarios like banking roads for vehicles.
9. Optimum Speed and Maximum Permissible Speed:
– Calculating speeds in scenarios involving circular motion, banking roads, and friction to determine safe operating conditions for vehicles.
What is the trajectory of a bob of mass 0.1 kg when the string is cut while the bob is at its mean position?
The bob will fall straight down vertically when the string is cut while the bob is at its mean position.
When a man of mass 70 kg stands on a weighing scale in a lift moving upwards with a uniform speed of 10 m/s, what would be the reading on the scale?
The reading on the scale will be 770 N when the lift is moving upwards with a uniform speed of 10 m/s.
What is the force on a particle of mass 4 kg for 0 < t < 4 s on a position-time graph?
The force on the particle of mass 4 kg for 0 < t < 4 s is zero on a position-time graph.
In a circular racetrack of radius 300 m banked at an angle of 15°, what is the optimum speed of the race-car to avoid wear and tear on its tires?
The optimum speed of the race-car to avoid wear and tear on its tires on the banked circular racetrack is at the speed given by Equation 4.22 in the document.
What are the steps recommended to systematically handle a typical problem in mechanics?
The steps recommended to systematically handle a typical problem in mechanics include drawing a diagram, choosing a system, creating a free-body diagram, including forces, and applying Newton's third law when necessary as outlined in the document.
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