NCERT explained

11th Physics chapter 7

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– Conservation of Angular Momentum and Total Mechanical Energy: These quantities are conserved in gravitational interactions, leading to Kepler's second law and providing insights into the motion of objects under gravity【4:1†source】【4:2†source】.

– Gravitational Potential Energy: The gravitational potential energy between two particles is proportional to their masses and inversely proportional to the distance between them. The total potential energy for a system is the sum of energies for all pairs of particles【4:1†source】【4:3†source】.

– Universal Law of Gravitation: Newton's law states that every body attracts every other body with a force directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them【4:3†source】.

– Escape Speed: The escape speed from the surface of the earth can be calculated to prevent an object from falling back to Earth, demonstrating the principles of conservation of energy and gravitational forces【4:2†source】【4:4†source】.

What is the mass of Mars given that its moon Phobos has a period of 7 hours, 39 minutes and an orbital radius of 9.4 × 10^3 km?

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Calculate the length of a Martian year in days if the Martian orbit is 1.52 times the orbital radius of the Earth.

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Calculate the mass of the Earth using the given data: g = 9.81 ms^–2, RE = 6.37×10^6 m, distance to the moon R = 3.84×10^8 m, and moon's revolution period is 27.3 days.

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Explain why an astronaut experiences weightlessness in a space satellite despite the gravitational force's presence.

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If a particle is outside a uniform spherical shell or solid sphere with a spherically symmetric internal mass distribution, how is the particle attracted by the sphere?

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