NCERT explained

11th Physics Index Page

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Topics to study from the chapter in the attached file along with a 1-2 lined summary for each topic:

1. Units and Measurements

– Introduction to units and measurements, the international system of units, significant figures, dimensions of physical quantities, dimensional formulae, and dimensional analysis applications.

2. Motion in a Straight Line

– Covers instantaneous velocity and speed, acceleration, and kinematic equations for uniformly accelerated motion.

3. Motion in a Plane

– Introduction to scalars and vectors, multiplication of vectors by real numbers, addition and subtraction of vectors using graphical methods, resolution of vectors, vector addition using analytical methods, motion in a plane with constant acceleration, projectile motion, and uniform circular motion.

4. Laws of Motion

– Discusses Aristotle's fallacy, the law of inertia, Newton's three laws of motion, conservation of momentum, equilibrium of a particle, common forces in mechanics, circular motion, and problem-solving in mechanics.

5. Work, Energy, and Power

– Introduction to work and kinetic energy, work done by variable force, work-energy theorem, potential energy, conservation of mechanical energy, power, and collisions.

6. System of Particles and Rotational Motion

– Covers the concept of the center of mass, motion of the center of mass, linear momentum of a system of particles, vector product of two vectors, angular velocity, torque, angular momentum, equilibrium of a rigid body, moment of inertia, and dynamics of rotational motion about a fixed axis.

7. Gravitation

– Introduction to Kepler's laws, the universal law of gravitation, the gravitational constant, acceleration due to gravity of the earth, gravitational potential energy, escape speed, and earth satellites.

What is the significance of significant figures in physics?

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Explain the concept of dimensional analysis and provide an example of its application.

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What are the three laws of motion formulated by Newton?

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Define the concept of work in physics and its relation to kinetic energy.

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What is meant by the conservation of mechanical energy?

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