NCERT explained

4th English NCERT Chapter 5

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– Sensitizing children to the world around them, fear of night, and darkness.

– Emphasizing differences in children with individual needs affecting learning styles.

– Initiating blindfold games to develop sensitivity towards others.

– Recognizing and appreciating the specific abilities of all children, including those with disabilities.

– Involving children in silent reading sessions before reading aloud to the class.

– Organizing classwise competitions.

– Encouraging children to share their feelings and difficulties.

– Focusing on similar sounding words with different spellings and rhyming words.

– Creating opportunities for children to express their thoughts and ideas in written form【4:0†source】.

What did Helen learn when the teacher put her hand into running water?

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How did Miss Sullivan help Helen?

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What was wrong with Helen as mentioned by her mother?

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What was the most important thing that Helen finally understood?

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What kind of girl was Helen, even though she could not hear or see?

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