NCERT explained

4th EVS NCERT Chapter 12

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– Study Topics and Summaries:

1. House Construction Methods: Describes traditional and modern house-building techniques using locally available materials like mud, neem branches, and unbaked bricks compared to modern materials like cement and iron【4:0†source】.

2. Changes Over Time in Housing: Chronicles the evolution of housing structures over generations, transitioning from mud-coated floors and separate outdoor toilets to modern amenities like tiled bathrooms and improved kitchen facilities【4:1†source】【4:4†source】.

3. Material Usage in House Construction: Explores the materials used in different eras for house construction, ranging from mud and bricks to marble chips and cement【4:2†source】.

4. Work and Tools in Construction: Investigates the various roles and tools involved in construction work, encouraging students to visit construction sites and engage with workers to understand the building process【4:3†source】.

5. Community Engagement Activity: Proposes a group activity where students create models of different houses using varied materials, fostering creativity and understanding of diverse housing structures【4:4†source】.

What material have been used in making your house?

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Is there a toilet in your house? Who cleans it?

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Where would you like to live when you grow up? What kind of house would you like?

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What kind of house do you think Chetandas' grandchildren will live in?

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What tools are shown being used in the picture in the chapter?

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