NCERT explained

4th EVS NCERT Chapter 26

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– Becoming a Doctor and Joining the Armed Forces: Wahida shares her journey of becoming a doctor and joining the Armed Forces. She studied hard for her M.B.B.S. and then got selected for the Armed Forces【4:0†source】.

– Responsibilities of a Naval Doctor: In the Indian Navy, a naval doctor not only provides medicine but also serves as a medical officer ensuring the health and well-being of everyone on the ship, conducting medical check-ups, and preparing for medical emergencies【4:1†source】.

– Leading a Passing Out Parade: Wahida became the first woman to lead a passing out parade after three years of hard work and practice. She had to command thirty-six commands loudly and clearly during the parade【4:1†source】.

– Personal Journey and Challenges: Wahida talks about her childhood, schooling, and her aspirations to do something different. She faced challenges to pursue her dreams but worked hard to become a doctor and join the Defence Forces【4:3†source】.

What is the main responsibility of a naval doctor in the Indian Navy?

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Why did Wahida decide to join the Indian Navy?

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What does Wahida share about her childhood and school experience?

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What is the significance of the name 'Prism' in Wahida's name?

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Why did Wahida practice diligently for a month before leading the passing out parade?

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