4th EVS NCERT Chapter 27

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– Chuskit's chair and her inability to walk due to her legs.

– Chuskit's excitement about going to school and her desire to study and play.

– Abdul's initiative to help Chuskit go to school by discussing with the Headmaster and teachers.

– The efforts to make the road level and build a bridge so that Chuskit can reach school.

– Chuskit's dream coming true as she prepares eagerly to go to school【4:0†source】.

What did Abdul ask Chuskit when he visited her house?

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According to the chapter, why was Chuskit happy after she got a wheelchair?

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Why did Chuskit's Meme-le stop her from dreaming about going to school?

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Who helped Chuskit to reach school according to the chapter?

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Why was Chuskit the happiest when the work was completed to help her reach school?

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