NCERT explained

4th Math NCERT Chapter 3

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– Different types of boats with varying ticket prices and trip durations.

– Consideration of ticket rates and trip times to make decisions.

– Solving mathematical problems related to boat trips, such as calculating total costs for boat rides and determining the number of children on a trip.

– Making choices between different boats based on time and cost factors.

– Engaging in activities like solving puzzles and estimating various scenarios during the trip.

These are some of the important topics students should focus on from the chapter in the file "4th Math NCERT Chapter 3.pdf".

How many toffees did I have if I gave four toffees each to four friends and three toffees are left with me?

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What number becomes double if it is increased by 8?

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Think of a number that can be divided by 2, 3, and 5 and comes between 25 and 50.

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A small ant climbs 3 cm in 1 minute but slips down 2 cm. How much time will it take to climb to 2 cm?

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How many mini buses are needed if each mini bus can take 35 students?

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