NCERT explained

4th Math NCERT Chapter 6

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– Cost calculation and earning: Students should study how to calculate the cost and earnings when selling items like plastic, iron, newspaper, brass, and waste paper as illustrated in the chapter. They need to understand how to multiply the price per kilogram by the quantity to determine the total cost or earnings.

– Problem-solving strategies: Encourage children to use various strategies to solve problems related to calculating earnings from multiple sources of junk, like using mental math, different ways of multiplication, and estimation techniques.

– Loan concepts: Introduce the concept of loans by discussing scenarios where characters in the chapter take loans and have to repay them. This can help students understand basic financial transactions and calculations.

– Journal record keeping: Teach students the importance of keeping records like Kiran did in her diary. They should be able to document their transactions, earnings, payments, and other financial activities effectively.

– Multiplication practice: Provide multiplication practice exercises involving scenarios similar to those in the chapter, such as calculating the total cost of specific quantities of different junk items based on given prices.

These topics cover the key aspects of the chapter and will help students comprehend and revise the content effectively.

How much money does Kiran earn by selling 1 kg of plastic if she buys it for 10 and sells it for 12?

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How much money does Kiran earn by selling 63 kg of plastic?

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Kiran sells 32 kg of iron. How much money will Dinu pay for this iron if Kiran buys 1 kg for 12 and sells it for 14?

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What will Dinu pay for 152 kg of newspaper if the rate is 6 per kg?

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How much money will Dinu pay for 4 kg of brass if the rate is 180 per kg?

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