NCERT explained

5th English NCERT Chapter 6

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– Themes: Humour, Awareness about different kinds of personalities – talkers, quiet people, and brave people.

– Reading Time: Encouragement to use a dictionary for vocabulary exercises and read witty stories like "The Arabian Nights," "Tenali Raman," "Akbar-Birbal," etc.

– Conversation Time: Discussing wit and humour, importance in life, learning to laugh at oneself, addressing shyness through group activities.

– Writing Time: Guided writing exercises suggested before writing tasks.

– Project Work: Exploring the meaning of bravery, examples of brave deeds, encouraging children to be brave and courageous 【4:3†source】.

How many brothers did the Barber have?

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Why was the Sultan in a hurry?

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Why did the Barber take so long to shave the Sultan?

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True or False: The Barber was shaving the Sultan’s beard.

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Why did the Barber want a lot of food?

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