NCERT explained

5th EVS NCERT Chapter 15

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Topics to study from the chapter "Blow Hot, Blow Cold":

1. Understanding the concept of hot and cold air through practical activities like blowing on hands and objects.

2. Usage of breath to cool or warm things.

3. Making a paper whistle to experiment with different sounds produced by blowing air.

4. Observing the direction of air flow using a paper snake.

5. Exploring the effects of blowing on objects like spectacles and glass.

6. Measuring breath count and understanding the concept of respiration.

7. Listening to heartbeat using a stethoscope.

These topics cover practical demonstrations and observations related to the concepts of hot and cold air, breath, and sound production through blowing. Students are encouraged to engage in hands-on activities to deepen their understanding of these phenomena.

What would have happened if Balishtiye had eaten the hot potatoes without cooling them?

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How do you cool some food when it is too hot?

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Which do you think will be hotter – Mini’s tea or the air she blew from her mouth?

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For what other things do you blow air from your mouth?

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How does the air from the mouth help clean spectacles, and what happens to a glass when you blow on it?

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