NCERT explained

5th EVS NCERT Chapter 6

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– Customs and Festivals Related to Water

– Summary: Many customs and festivals are connected to water, such as celebrating around lakes when filled with rainwater, brides worshipping springs or ponds, and new brides worshipping taps in their homes.

– Stepwells and Wells in the Area

– Summary: Discuss the presence of stepwells, wells, and lakes in the area, their historical significance, and the importance of water conservation.

– Management of Water Sources Today

– Summary: Explore modern methods of managing water sources, including pumping water from borewells, municipal water supply, and challenges like water scarcity and unequal water distribution.

– Importance of Rainwater Harvesting

– Summary: Highlight the importance of rainwater harvesting, historical practices of collecting rainwater, and how it contributes to groundwater replenishment and fertility of the soil.

These topics and summaries can help students revise and understand the key points from the chapter.

Why could the two old wells in Punita's area have dried up about fifteen – twenty years ago?

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How do people in the area mentioned in the chapter manage water today? Discuss at least two ways mentioned.

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What is the significance of stepwells in the chapter? Why were stepwells built in the past?

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Describe the historic lake Ghadsisar mentioned in the chapter. How did the rainwater collection system work in this lake?

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What did the group in the chapter, Tarun Bharat Sangh, do to help Darki Mai and the village in Rajasthan? How did their intervention improve the situation?

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