NCERT explained

5th EVS NCERT Chapter 7

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– What floats and sinks

Summary: Objects float or sink in water based on their density and shape.

– Floating and sinking experiments with various objects

Summary: Observing and analyzing the behavior of different objects in water to understand the concepts of buoyancy.

– Dissolving substances in water

Summary: Exploring the process of dissolving different substances in water and observing the outcomes.

– Density and buoyancy

Summary: Understanding how the density of an object affects its ability to float or sink in water.

– The Dead Sea and its high salt content

Summary: Learning about the extremely salty water of the Dead Sea and its unique properties.

– Dandi March and salt making

Summary: Understanding the historical significance of the Dandi March and the traditional method of salt production from sea water.

– Observational experiments with water

Summary: Engaging in hands-on experiments to observe and learn about the behavior of various substances in water.

What would happen if Ayesha put a puffed puri in a bowl of water? Would it sink or float?

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What would happen if you put a steel plate on water? Would it sink or float? What would happen to a spoon?

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Would the cap of a plastic bottle sink or float on water?

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Why does a wooden boat float in water but a needle sinks?

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Describe the behavior of aluminium foil when spread out and when pressed tightly into a ball in water.

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