NCERT explained

5th EVS NCERT Chapter 9

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– Climbing a mountain peak without proper equipment, facing challenges, and spending a night in adverse conditions.

– Bachhendri Pal's journey from a young girl in the mountains to becoming the first Indian woman to reach the peak of Mount Everest, facing a snowstorm and injuries along the way.

– Adventure and challenges faced during mountaineering, importance of preparation and courage in facing difficulties.

– Camp experiences including activities like climbing, setting up tents, and cooking in the mountains.

– Group dynamics and responsibilities like helping each other, setting up tents, and arranging for food while climbing.

– Crossing a river using ropes and pitons, dealing with fear and challenges in a fast-flowing river.

What kind of tools are needed for climbing mountains?

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Why do we need extra energy on the mountains?

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Have you ever seen a hook and rope being used for anything else? Where?

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What is the significance of digging a drain around the tent while camping?

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How did Bachhendri Pal demonstrate her courage and achievement on Mount Everest?

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