NCERT explained

5th Math NCERT Chapter 11

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Topics to study from the chapter "Area and its Boundary" along with 1-2 lined summaries for each:

1. Strategies for Comparing Areas: Encourage discussing different strategies for comparing areas using tokens, stamps, etc., and measuring sides to find the area in square cm.

2. Finding Area of Shapes: Understand how to find the area of shapes like rectangles, triangles, and circles by counting squares or using appropriate formulas.

3. Perimeter Calculation: Practice calculating the perimeter of shapes like squares, rectangles, and irregular shapes to understand their boundary lengths.

4. Real-life Applications: Explore real-life scenarios such as tiling floors, fencing gardens, and designing greeting cards to apply area and perimeter concepts practically.

These topics cover the essential concepts related to areas and perimeters discussed in the chapter "Area and its Boundary"【4:0†source】.

What is the area of piece A of the mango slice in square centimeters?

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What is the actual boundary length of lake B on the drawing in kilometers?

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How many green square tiles of side 10 cm will Arbaz need to tile his 220 cm x 180 cm kitchen floor?

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What is the length of the postcard-like thick paper sheet with a width of 9 cm?

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What is the perimeter of the square carrom board with a perimeter of 320 cm?

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