NCERT explained

5th Math NCERT Chapter 13

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– Shopkeeper with 50 boxes: Understanding the quantity of fruits in boxes and the calculation of total fruits.

– Camping trip with 352 children: Dividing children into groups for camping, calculating total children, and tents needed.

– Shopkeeper with 204 eggs: Division of eggs into trays, determining additional eggs needed, fresh eggs sold, and egg trays required.

– Cost of books for Sonu: Calculating money spent on books based on cost and quantity purchased.

– Harisharan's division among 4 sons: Understanding division of money among siblings and cross-checking calculations.

– Maniratnam's salary calculation: Multiplication strategies employed by Maniratnam and Bhanu to calculate salaries.

– Satish's goat care: Understanding earning calculations for looking after goats over a month and a year.

– Kamla Bai's cow cost and revenue: Analyzing the cost of a cow, government spending, daily expenses, milk production, and revenue.

– Shivangi's battery usage: Solving the problem of battery life with division and understanding the method employed.

These topics cover a range of multiplication and division scenarios for students to practice and comprehend the concepts effectively.

What is the cost of one book if Sonu buys 23 books for Rs. 47 each?

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How many buses are needed if 976 children are going on a picnic and 25 children can go in one bus?

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If Isha has Rs. 1000 and one litre of petrol costs Rs. 47, how many litres of petrol can she buy?

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If Dolma took a loan of Rs. 9,588 to buy a moped and has to pay it back in 6 months, how much will she have to pay every month?

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If Kamla Bai spends Rs. 85 a day on her cow, find out how much will she spend in one month.

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