NCERT explained

5th Math NCERT Chapter 3

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– Basic shapes used for examining tiling possibilities and modifications

– Creation of new tiling shapes from basic shapes

– Comparison of areas and perimeters of rectangles made from squares

– Understanding the concept of area through examples like stamps and shapes

– Solving puzzles with squares and rectangles to explore different arrangements

– Making patterns and designs using tiles and shapes【4:0†source】【4:1†source】【4:3†source】.

How many squares of one centimetre side does stamp A cover?

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Which stamp has the biggest area? How many squares of side 1 cm does this stamp cover?

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Which two stamps have the same area? How much is the area of each of these stamps?

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What is the area of the smallest stamp?

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The difference between the area of the smallest and the biggest stamp is how many square cm?

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