NCERT explained

6th English NCERT Chapter 10

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Topics to study from the chapter "The Banyan Tree":

1. Importance of the Banyan Tree: Discussing the significance of the banyan tree to the narrator, its age, and the experiences associated with it.

2. Interaction with Animals: Describing the interactions with animals like squirrels, birds, and the dynamics of their relationships.

3. The Fight Between the Mongoose and Cobra: Detailing the intense battle between the mongoose and cobra, including their strategies and movements.

4. Observations from the Tree: Reflecting on the narrator's observations and experiences from sitting in the banyan tree, including views of nature and wildlife interactions.

These topics encapsulate the essence of the chapter, highlighting the connection between nature, animals, and human experiences.

What is the classic drama often seen in India involving a cobra and a mongoose?

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Why is the mongoose able to defeat the cobra in the fight?

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Describe the setting where the encounter between the mongoose and the cobra took place.

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How did the mongoose react when the cobra raised three of its six feet off the ground and spread its hood?

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What dramatic difference occurred during the third round of the fight between the mongoose and the cobra?

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