NCERT explained

6th English NCERT Chapter 3

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Topics to study from the chapter "Taro's Reward" along with 1-2 lined summaries:

1. Taro's Hard Work for His Parents:

– Summary: Taro, a young woodcutter, works hard to fulfill his parents' wishes, showing his thoughtfulness and love for them.

2. Discovery of the Magic Waterfall:

– Summary: Taro discovers a hidden waterfall that turns water into delicious saké, bringing warmth and joy to his family and neighbors.

3. Deception by the Magic Waterfall:

– Summary: The magic waterfall only provided saké to Taro, causing disappointment and anger among the villagers who wanted to drown him for tricking them.

4. Taro's Reward from the Emperor:

– Summary: The Emperor rewards Taro with gold and names a fountain after him, promoting respect and obedience towards parents among children.

Why did Taro run in the direction of the stream?

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How did Taro’s father show his happiness after drinking saké?

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Why did the waterfall give Taro saké and others water?

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Why did the villagers want to drown Taro?

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Why did the Emperor reward Taro?

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