6th English NCERT Chapter 8
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Topics to study from the chapter "The Banyan Tree":
1. Description of the Banyan Tree:
– The author's relationship with the banyan tree, its age, and the activities around it.
2. Interactions with Animals:
– The author's friendship with a squirrel and interactions with birds during the fig season.
3. Observing a Fight between a Mongoose and Cobra:
– Detailed account of a conflict between a mongoose and a cobra under the banyan tree.
4. The Fight Sequence:
– Description of the mongoose and cobra's combat tactics and the involvement of other animals like a myna and a crow in the fight.
5. Outcome of the Fight:
– The climax of the fight between the mongoose, cobra, myna, and crow, including the consequences for the creatures involved.
Why did the old banyan tree 'not belong' to Grandfather but only to the boy?
The old banyan tree 'did not belong' to Grandfather but only to the boy because Grandfather, at sixty-five, could no longer climb it.
When did the small grey squirrel become friendly?
The small grey squirrel became friendly when the boy did not arm himself with a catapult or air gun and started bringing him pieces of cake and biscuit.
How did the squirrel react when the boy started bringing him pieces of cake and biscuit?
When the boy started bringing the squirrel pieces of cake and biscuit, the squirrel became quite bold, grew friendly and started taking morsels from the boy's hand.
What happened in the spring at the banyan tree?
In the spring, the banyan tree was full of small red figs, and birds of all kinds, including red-bottomed bulbuls, parrots, myna, and crows, would flock into its branches.
How did the banyan tree serve the boy?
The banyan tree served the boy as a place where he could build a crude platform halfway up the tree to spend afternoons, read books from his banyan tree library, and have a grandstand view of events like a fight between a mongoose and a cobra.
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