NCERT explained

6th Maths NCERT Answer

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### Important Topics to Study from the Chapter:

1. **Relational Properties:**

– Reflexive, symmetric, transitive relations.

– Examples illustrating different combinations of these properties.

2. **Relations:**

– Examples of different types of relations like injective, surjective, one-one, onto.

– Finding whether a given relation is injective, surjective, etc.

3. **Matrix Operations:**

– Addition and multiplication of matrices.

– Properties of matrices under addition and multiplication.

### Summary:

– Understand the properties of relations like reflexive, symmetric, and transitive.

– Identify different types of relations and determine their properties like injectivity and surjectivity.

– Practice matrix operations such as addition and multiplication while focusing on the properties they exhibit.

What are the properties of the relation described in part (iv) of Exercise 1.1?

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In Exercise 1.2, is the relation described in part 1 injective and surjective?

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What is the sum of matrices A + B as given in Exercise 3.2 part 1(i)?

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Solve the system of equations from Exercise 3.1 part 6(i): x = 1, y = 4, z = 3.

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What is the result of the matrix multiplication X * Y in Exercise 3.2 part 7(i)?

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