NCERT explained

6th Science NCERT Chapter 14

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Based on the chapter provided, the important topics students should study are:

1. How Much Water Do We Use?

– Students should list activities requiring water, estimate water usage, and calculate annual water needs per family member.

2. Water Sources and Usage

– Understanding where water comes from, its uses in daily life, and how water is sourced for various activities including for producing goods.

3. Where Do We Get Water From?

– Exploring the sources of water like rivers, lakes, wells, and understanding the distribution of water to different regions.

4. The Water Cycle

– Learning about the water cycle, evaporation, condensation, and how water is distributed in different forms in nature.

5. Loss of Water by Plants

– Examining the water requirements of plants, the amount lost through processes like transpiration, and the role of water in plant growth and survival.

What are some activities mentioned in the chapter for which water is used, besides drinking?

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How does the chapter suggest estimating the amount of water used by a family in a day?

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Why is water from oceans and seas not suitable for drinking and domestic use?

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Explain how the heating process relates to the water cycle, as mentioned in the chapter.

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Can you describe the process of water loss from plants as mentioned in the chapter?

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