NCERT explained

6th Science NCERT Chapter 7

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Topics to Study:

1. Story of Transport

– Summary: People initially used animals and boats for transportation. The invention of the wheel revolutionized transport, leading to the development of new means like steam engines, railroads, automobiles, and later on, aeroplanes and spacecraft.

2. How Wide Is This Desk?

– Summary: Understanding the need for measuring distances and lengths, illustrated through a scenario of measuring a desk using simple tools like string and improvised units.

3. Some Measurements

– Summary: Exploring the concept of measurements using units like foot length and handspan to measure the length and breadth of objects, emphasizing the importance of fixed units in measurement and recording results accurately.

These are the key topics from the chapter "Motion and Measurement of Distances" that students should focus on for a comprehensive understanding of the concepts discussed.

What were some of the early modes of transport used by people before the invention of modern means of transportation?

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How did the invention of the wheel impact the modes of transportation used by ancient people?

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Describe how Paheli and Boojho attempted to measure the length of a desk using gilli and danda. What challenge did they face in this process?

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Explain why having a standard unit of measurement is important in determining lengths and distances.

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Why is it important for different professions like tailors, carpenters, and farmers to accurately measure lengths and distances in their work?

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