NCERT explained

6th Social Science NCERT Chapter 1

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Important Topics to Study from the Chapter:

1. Study of the Past:

– Summary: Understanding the ways to learn about the past, including what people ate, their clothing, houses, professions, and activities.

2. Settlements and Agricultural Development:

– Summary: Exploring the early settlements along rivers like Narmada, Indus, and Ganga, and the development of agriculture in various regions.

3. Spread of Ideas and Cultures:

– Summary: Examining how people traveled across natural barriers like mountains and seas, influencing cultural exchange and enriching traditions.

4. Names of the Land:

– Summary: Exploring the origins of the names "India" and "Bharat" and their historical significance.

5. Sources of Historical Information:

– Summary: Learning about different historical sources such as manuscripts, inscriptions, and archaeological artifacts used to study the past.

What can we know about the past according to the chapter?

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Where were some of the earliest people who lived along the banks of the river Narmada skilled in?

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What were some areas where agriculture developed according to the chapter?

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Explain the significance of the names 'India' and 'Bharat' as discussed in the chapter.

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Who are archaeologists and what do they study according to the chapter?

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